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A tutte le coppie interessate consigliamo di partecipare alle discussioni sul sito Adozioni dal Vietnam Cambogia Thailandia e Nepal . L'estratto sotto riportato è stato fornito da Andrea, gestore della omonima comunità WEB.

Ormai da alcune settimane le adozioni dal Vietnam verso gli Stati Uniti ed il Canada sono ferme. Questo blocco sembra dovuto a ragioni non ben documentate da parte del governo statunitense (a cui il governo canadese si è subito accodato), che pare riguardino il fatto che le associazioni che operano in Vn non sono formalmente autorizzate dal governo vietnamita a svolgere attività di "facilitazione" alle adozioni internazionali. Per quanto mi è dato di conoscere queste motivazioni appaiono pretestuose e superficiali; è vero che nessuna associazione è formalmente autorizzata a svolgere le pratiche di adozione, ma è altrettanto vero che tali pratiche avvengono alla luce del sole (almeno per quanto riguarda le associazioni principali, IMH-quella con cui lavora il NAAA- e Holt) e con la fattiva, piena e convinta collaborazione del governo vietnamita. Contemporaneamente ai problemi in USA ci sono stati alcuni articoli su giornali vietnamiti che parlavano di bambini venduti e delle solite accuse veros l'adozione internazionale, naturalmente senza fornire alcun dato oggettivo e nessuna prova. Attualmente ci sono 8 o 9 famiglie americane bloccate a Ho Chi Minh City dopo che è stato negato ai bimbi adottati con IMH il visto d'ingresso in USA.Cherie Clark, la fondatrice dell'IMH (che alcuni di noi hanno conosciuto in Vietnam o all'ultima festa del NAAA  a Settembre) stà combattendo contro questa situazione, e alcune famiglie adottive americane hanno aperto una petizione che può essere firmata da tutti (si tratta di una petizione on-line).
Vi includo la mail che Cherie Clark ha inviato al NAAA invitando a firmare la petizione e che mi è stata inoltrata da Ferruccio de Bastiani (nella mail trovate il link verso il sito su cui è ospitata la petizione): 

"Dear friends and supporters of Adoption and hope for the children of Viet Nam. I am forwarding you a petition that many of you might have received from other sources. Please sign it and pass it on if you can send it to your email friends and ask them to support this petition we will be most grateful. We deeply need your support and your comments! Sincerely, Cherie 

At long last we are happy to announce that a petition in support of Vietnam
adoptions has been launched at:

A large number of people in the adoption community have contributed to the
effort to make this happen! We have attempted to make this petition as
direct as possible in hopes that we will attract the understanding and
desired attention of our government officials.  The petition states:

"We are outraged by current Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
activities pertaining to adoptions in Vietnam.  American families legally
adopting children in Vietnam are being penalized through weeks of delay and
visa denials, and children are suffering.  We request that:

1) The families currently stuck in Vietnam with their legally adopted
children be allowed to bring their children home immediately;

2) Adoptions in Vietnam be permitted to continue, and;

3) Families adopting in Vietnam in the future be treated fairly and
expeditiously, with full disclosure of facts if any problems are found in
cases and prompt substantiation of allegations made against any parties.”

There is a minimal amount of "required" information for signing this
petition.  The required information is: your name, e-mail address, and
state.  You may choose to keep your e-mail private, available to the
petition "author" (Connie Lewis), or public.  We believe the requirement to
list your state lends to the credibility of the petition and will allow us
to inform our elected officials of where our supporters reside.

We sincerely implore you to ferociously circulate this petition to your
family, friends, co-workers, churches, schools, community organizations,
basically EVERYONE you know.  Also ask those individuals to do the same in
hopes of gaining the attention that is needed to bring the waiting children
home and to enable Vietnam adoptions to continue in a fair and
expeditious manner.  If you know people who wish to sign the petition but do
not have an e-mail address or on-line access, you can enter their personal
information using your e-mail address.  The premise of this petition is very
simple.  If you do not agree, do not sign.

Once we feel the majority of people have had the opportunity to sign, we
will be forwarding this petition via e-mail and fax/snail mail to the
following: The Congressional Coalition on Adoption, JCICS, The President of
the United States, First Lady, Vice-President, Commissioner Ziglar, Colin
Powell, Congressional Representatives and Senators and any other appropriate

This petition begins IMMEDIATELY and we would like to have it completed by
January 27, 2002 at the latest so that we can submit it to the appropriate

Here again is the link directly to the petition: "

Allego anche una mail che risponde ad alcuni domande sulla petizione e sui suoi "sostenitori":
"Question One: Who are the people responsible for the petition and what are
your interests?
Answer: The idea for a petition was mentioned by several people on various
list serves at the about same time. An ad hoc group of people started
corresponding about language and what you see is what emerged. Donna, Iris,
and I were the three people who seemed to have the most time to actually
"launch" the effort. Donna and I both traveled last year for our first
trips to meet our children, and are waiting to return to bring them home.
We are both adopting through agencies that work with IMH, and therefore
don't now know when we will be able to go. I have been waiting since
September. Iris is an adoption professional and the mother of adopted

Question Two: Who is the petition intended to help, just one agency?
Answer: The petition was written to try to help the children and adoptive
families who are suffering because of the current situation in Vietnam, and
those who may be impacted in the future - regardless of what agency they may
be with. The people who crafted the petition language are concerned about
the potential of the current situation to impact ALL adoptions in Vietnam,
and so wrote the petition to be relevant for anyone hoping to adopt from
Vietnam in the future as well as for the families who are currently stuck
and who are waiting to travel.

Question Three: Is the petition relevant for non-U.S. families?
Answer: We believe that it is because the current situation has already
resulted in problems for adoptive parents in other countries, and we think
the potential exists for greater problems in the future if the situation is
not resolved."
Non mi è chiaro che riflessi possa avere in Italia il blocco delle adozioni in USA e Canada, potrebbe anche succedere che da noi non ci sia nessun blocco salvo quello dovuto all'imminente firma della convenzione bilaterale, ma potrebbe anche succedere che anche la nostra Commissione si fermi in attesa di conoscere le decisioni del governo statunitense (come ha già fatto il governo canadese). Io ho comunque firmato la petizione, se volete farlo anche voi seguite il links indicato nella mail di Cherie.

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             Aggiornato il 27-04-2022